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Massage Therapy - Self-Pay

Massage therapy has been known to help with stress, anxiety, back, muscle and joint pain along with many other benefits. We focus more on medical myotherapy and treatment massage to help provide the best results possible for our clients. **Please be aware that starting January 1st, 2023, we will be increasing our rates a little to keep up with the expenses we have been absorbing over the las... Read More

Massage therapy has been known to help with stress, anxiety, back, muscle and joint pain along with many other benefits. We focus more on medical myotherapy and treatment massage to help provide the best results possible for our clients.

**Please be aware that starting January 1st, 2023, we will be increasing our rates a little to keep up with the expenses we have been absorbing over the last 3 years. This increase will be considered a facility fee and will help to offset some of the non-professional costs associated with your session. The new prices will be reflected in appointments starting on January 1st, 2023.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Medical Massage - Insurance - Regence

*** We are currently taking new Regence clients on a limited basis *** For those who want to use their Regence insurance know that starting January 1st, 2023, we will be implementing a facility fee of $25/hr for all sessions to help cover the non-professional costs associated with your session. This fee is not billable to insurance and will be in addition to any copay/coinsurance/deductible ... Read More

*** We are currently taking new Regence clients on a limited basis ***

For those who want to use their Regence insurance know that starting January 1st, 2023, we will be implementing a facility fee of $25/hr for all sessions to help cover the non-professional costs associated with your session. This fee is not billable to insurance and will be in addition to any copay/coinsurance/deductible required by your insurance and will be a separate line item on your bill. This fee is already included in the calculation of our Self-Pay/non-insurance rates.

Please make sure to have a current prescription for massage dated within 14 days before your appointment as we cannot treat or bill insurance without the diagnosis codes and guidance from your doctor. If you do not have a current prescription at the time of your appointment, we will have to change the appointment to a self-pay/non-insurance session as we cannot bill for a massage without a prescription and without diagnosis codes provided by a doctor. Prescriptions must include the following:

- ICD10 diagnosis codes for areas which need to be treated (typically within the M: Musculoskeletal system)
- Number of visits being prescribed
- Start and End date of prescription no longer than 6 months

Please also contact your specific insurance plan and make sure we are in your plan's network as some plans have different network participants and some plans do not cover massage when not connected to a doctor's office.

Thank you


We will start hosting classes for LMTs as well as our clients this year. Topics ranging from teaching Robert Haase's "Secrets of Medical Myotherapy" to LMTs as well as topics on food based healing, stretching and other topics of interest to LMTs and our clients. Check back often for updates.

A graduate of Brenneke School of Massage 2008 which has now become Cortiva Massage Therapy School. I pride myself on being able to construct each massage session to best support the needs and goals of my clients and check in as often as necessary to ensure they are receiving the care and attention they need. The techniques I bring into a session are always growing as I learn and hone my skills. Some of the techniques and styles I include are Swedish, Deep Tissue, Craniosacral Therapy, Trager, etc. I look forward to each session and approach it as a unique experience.

A graduate of Brenneke School of Massage 2008 which has now become Cortiva Massage Therapy School... Read More

Daniel Dela Cruz graduated from the Bellevue School of massage in 2012. He has continued to educate himself and become a better bodyworker ever since. Certified Medical Myotherapist. Certified in Stretch Therapeutic Therapy. Certified in Intraoral Bodywork. For lockjaw and TMJ. His focus as a healthcare provider is to customize each session to fit the patients’ needs. He looks forward to helping in the Georgetown area.

Daniel Dela Cruz graduated from the Bellevue School of massage in 2012. He has continued to educ... Read More

Patrick Harrison has been practicing massage for over 6 years and is a graduate of Cortiva Institute of Massage from 2016. He takes every opportunity to create an impactful massage and is well versed in deep tissue, myofascial, stretching, as well as relaxation work. He looks forward to creating an experience that serves his clients to better their lives.

Patrick Harrison has been practicing massage for over 6 years and is a graduate of Cortiva Instit... Read More

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Located at: 650 S Orcas St, Suite 219, Seattle
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